Sunday, May 8, 2011

1995: French BIstro Ahoy!

Bradley's Country French Bistro -
It was a small restaurant seating around 40 people.  It had once been a seedy bar among other things in Sandpoint's restaurant history called Joe's but now it was under the helm of Bob Bradley.  I was hired as the baker / prep cook / lunch line cook and later became day manager.  We made fresh bread every day.  Using a three day cycled biga.  Batards, boules, and foccachia bread. Fresh every morning for the days sales.  I also made around 200 crepes every morning along with classical sauces liek bechemel, a cream based beurre blanc used as a base for other sauces, demi glaze, coq au vin, French onions soup (vegetarian) and Black bean soup.  The menu changed onthly and We used seasonal produce and other local ingredients when they were available.  Herb infused oils seasoned everydish giving a rich full flavor.  Bob and Mary brought their issuues to the restaurant kitchen and I witnessed many a rough morning to say the least.  Mary would listen to Jai Uttal and other new music that I had never heard.  So i quickly expanded my musical appreciation.  One of the memorable events during lunch was one of the servers (nice but not to bright) opened the Leonetti merlot as a drink pour and served it as a taste to a customer who did not like it.  It was a $150.00 bottle.  Bob was irate to say the least. This was during the peak of the Leonetti craze.
My tenure at Bradley;s ended after Bob in a fit of rage decided that it was ok to choke the cook.  He tried to laugh it off but it was the last straw of his drunken and stoned bumblings.  The restaurant business is a vile mistress who has claimed many a good man and woman.

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