Saturday, May 14, 2011

2011 January: Garde Manger ~ J Block at the CIA.

garde manger kitchen #2

Garde Manger: The Art of the Cold Kitchen
    Garde manger means "Grand Buffet", the cheese project, charcuterie and beautiful plates.  I actually was looking forward to this class.  But I postpobed it 3 weeks because the first Chef instructor I had was a rude condescending jerk with a power trip and I was in now way going to subject myself to that for even a day when I was paying over $250 a day for this education.  My new chef turned out to be fantastic.
cold smoked cured salmon

reception foods buffet

 "You're in da weeds" he would say when we walked into the classroom.
smoked ham hocks

     We learned the difference between cold and hot smoking, cures and brines, pates and terrines, ballantines and galantines and so on.  We made sausages, using many techniques, as there are many styles of sausages.
This class could easily take up a whole year and the student would just barely begin to really grasp all the wonderful techniques and methods used to create beautiful tasty cold food.

    Our schedule was rigorous and had to be followed to ensure that all the items needing more than a days prep were handled properly so that we would be able to complete them all.  It culminated in the Grand buffet were we set out our food for whole school to eat and critique.  This is the highlight of the third week of each block.

During this three week class we also had to show up in addtion to class to take our practical exam.  The stress for many took its toll.  I was mentally ready and had been waiting for this opportunity for months.

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